Compound bowstand from Apex Gear
The “Split-Grip” bow stand from Apex Gear is rotated in between split limbs instead of clamped around the outside as usual. The design is therefore similar to the Mathews “Limb Legs” bow stand. However, while that one is only intended for Mathews models, the Apex Gear version fits many bows on the market. The gap between the limbs must be at least 20-21 mm wide and the limbs between 6 and 8 mm thick.
The position in the limb gap results in a very compact design. In addition, the bowstand can be folded up, making it one of the bow stands with the smallest packing size.
Key features:
- Lightweight and durable
- Rubber grips the limb for secure no slip fit
- Easy one-hand operation
- Won't scratch limb surface
- Packing size: 19 x 7 cm
- Stand width: 27 cm
- Weight: 105 g